
#AmazonBasket is a new feature that allows Twitter users to take an instant action in Twitter that helps them make purchases on Amazon.co.uk. Now when you tweet a marketing message that includes an Amazon.co.uk product link, Twitter users who have connected their accounts to Amazon will be able to add the product directly to their Amazon.co.uk Shopping Basket simply by replying to the tweet and adding #AmazonBasket. They will receive a reply tweet from @MyAmazonUK and an e-mail from MyAmazonUK@amazon.co.uk confirming their action, and they can complete checkout on Amazon.co.uk at their convenience.

How #AmazonBasket works

Three things have to occur for #AmazonBasket to work:
  • Your visitor has to have his or her Twitter account connected to Amazon, so Amazon can add the product to the correct Amazon customer’s Amazon.co.uk Shopping Basket
  • Your visitor has to reply to a tweet that contains the URL of an Amazon.co.uk product
  • Your visitor has to add #AmazonBasket in the reply tweet. Note that #AmazonBasket will work on Twitter only, not Facebook or other social networks

View more information at www.Amazon.co.uk/AmazonBasket

#AmazonBasket - Frequently Asked Questions

What is my visitor’s experience?

Your visitors must first reply to your tweet with #AmazonBasket. If they have already connected their Twitter accounts to Amazon, they will receive a notification when the item is successfully added to their Amazon.co.uk Shopping Baskets via a reply tweet from @MyAmazonUK and e-mail from MyAmazonUK@amazon.co.uk.

If your visitors have not connected their Twitter accounts to Amazon, they will receive a reply tweet when using #AmazonBasket, asking them to connect their accounts to use the feature.

How do I get paid?

Amazon will recognize the Associate ID in the URL that you tweet, so any replies to your tweet that result in an Amazon.co.uk Shopping Basket add via #AmazonBasket will receive associate attribution, according to the standard operating agreement and advertising fee schedule. Note that in cases where #AmazonBasket is not able to add the product to an Amazon.co.uk Shopping Basket (e.g., if the item is out of stock, if the deal has expired, if the item is a digital product that is purchased via 1-Click), the link in the reply tweet from @MyAmazonUK and e-mail from MyAmazonUK@amazon.co.uk will preserve your store ID to ensure that you receive associate attribution.

How can I track the #AmazonBasket Basket adds that I drive?

You will be able to view metrics associated with your store ID, and all products added via #AmazonBasket under the link_type "Genie".

What should I tell my followers to do in the tweet?

To use #AmazonBasket, compose a tweet including the following:
  • The Amazon.co.uk product link you’re marketing, including your Associate ID
  • Be sure to add the following text (as a recommended example): "reply with #AmazonBasket to add to Basket"
Note that bit.ly links are compatible with #AmazonBasket if you would like to reduce link length. Sample tweets:

  • Resolution to get fit? Check out this standing desk from Amazon. Reply w/ #AmazonBasket to add it to Basket now! http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00BBFXBF4?tag=AssociateID (don't forget to include your Tag ID)
  • Get the snacks ready with these Popcorners. Save them to your Basket now and checkout later by replying w/ #AmazonBasket http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0053N90PA?tag=AssociateID (don't forget to include your Tag ID)

Does this work on all Amazon products?

#AmazonBasket will add any physical product sold on Amazon.co.uk to your visitors’ Amazon.co.uk Shopping Baskets. Digital products are excluded since products are purchased via 1-click, preventing add to Amazon.co.uk Shopping Basket functionality. We will still send a reply tweet to your visitors when they try to add digital products, informing them on how to check out.

For Kindle ebooks, we will send a free sample to your visitors’ devices, link back to the product, and/or provide a link to read the sample in Cloud Reader where possible.

For products that have variations and require the visitor to select custom options, e.g. size of trousers, or apple green vs. cobalt blue stand mixer, the product ID within the link is what will be added to your visitor’s Amazon.co.uk Shopping Basket. Visitors will be able to select their preferences when they review their Amazon.co.uk Shopping Baskets.

What happens if a product is out of stock or unavailable?

For any products or single-product deals that are out of stock, unavailable, expired, or not found, we will respond by tweet to confirm the visitor’s action, and notify of the appropriate situation. If the visitor replies with #AmazonBasket to a tweet that doesn’t contain a link or links to a non-Amazon.co.uk product, the visitor will not get a reply tweet.

Where is #AmazonBasket available?

#AmazonBasket is currently only available in the UK (for Amazon.co.uk links) and as #AmazonCart in the US (for Amazon.com links).